Obisk podjetja Cosylab

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Sodelovanje v organizacijski ekipi dobrodelnega dogodka ŠS UL

Na spodnji povezavi se lahko pridružite organizacijski ekipi dobrodelnega dogodka Študentskega sveta Univerze v Ljubljani. Prijave bodo odprte do konca nedelje, 25. 2. 2018.

Vabljeni k sodelovanju!

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Invitation to STEM Games 2018


STEM Games is a joint initiative of students studying at eleven higher education institutions, one of them being Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb.

The competition will provide participants with the opportunity to compete in problem-solving tasks and sporting events, as well as to share their experiences and meet their peers. It will take place from 8th May until 13th May 2018 in Poreč, Croatia, where almost one thousand of the best European students will compete. The project aims to foster interdisciplinarity by replacing knowledge based tasks with problem-solving tasks, as well as promoting university sport and a healthy lifestyle.

We are looking forward to receiving your applications. If You have any questions, feel free to contact us at any time.

Best regards,

Iva Gospodnetić

Head of Office

University of Zagreb

Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing

Career Center

Unska 3, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia

mob. +385 99 3058310



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* Utrechtska mreža vabi študente UL na poletno šolo  WeTell Summer School, ki bo potekala od  4. do 15. junija 2018 v Bologni.

Vse informacije o poletni šoli in prijavi najdete na:

Prednost pri prijavi bodo imeli študentje 2. in 3. stopnje.

Eden od študentov UL bo dobil hospitality fund finančno podporo  višini 250€.

Zainteresirani študentje naj pošljejo motivacijsko pismo ( v angleščini, do 2000 znakov) in izpis opravljenih izpitov (na trenutni stopnji študija) Službi za mednarodno sodelovanje Univerze v Ljubljani, najkasneje do 23.3.2018.

*Utrechtska mreža vabi študente UL na poletno šolo HIDDEN LIBRARY, ki bo potekala od 2. do 13. julija v Grazu.

Več informacij na spletni strani :

Eden od študentov UL bo dobil hospitality fund finančno podporo  višini 250€.

Zainteresirani študentje naj pošljejo motivacijsko pismo  ( v angleščini, do 2000 znakov) in izpis opravljenih izpitov (na trenutni stopnji študija) Službi za mednarodno sodelovanje Univerze v Ljubljani, najkasneje do 23.3.2018.

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TU Berlin Summer University 2018: Early Bird Discounts endFebruary 28th!

Dear all,

Discounted Early Bird Fees for the TU Berlin Summer University 2018 are ending soon! Participants receive a 50€ discount on every course booking if they register before February the 28th 2018!

TU Berlin Summer School Brochure 2018[2103]


This summer, we are offering 20 courses in specialized disciplines such as Engineering, Satellite Design, 3D Printing and Climate Change. All teaching is in English and classes are held on the main campus of the Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin).

A summary of courses is available below and our brochure is attached. Visit our website for the full course descriptions.


Term 1

JUNE 11 – JULY 5

Term 2

JULY 9 – JULY 20

Term 3


Precision Engineering Start German 3D Scanning & Printing
Programming in Java Innovation & Entrepreneurship Acoustical Engineering
The Edible City Arduino for Interactive Media Startup Crash Course
Mediascape Berlin DesignBuild Summer Studio CanSat: Satellite Design
German Language Global Climate Change
Computational Engineering
Berlin as a Smart City
Natural Disasters & Information Systems
1950-2050: An Energy (R)evolution
Blue Engineering
Decision Making for Business Operations


Courses take place across three academic terms, as above. Participants may choose from four, six and ten-week course combinations and can earn up to 13 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) credit points.


Accommodation is available, students receive both a public transportation ticket and 24-hour support from the Summer University team on site.


A cultural program is included, offering historical visits, team-building and social activities.


We´d be delighted to welcome you to Berlin this summer!


I look forward to hearing from you, and would be happy to answer any questions that you should have.


Kind regards,

Beth Sibly


Beth Sibly

Leitung / Acting Director
TU Berlin Summer & Winter University


+49 30 44 72 02 30


Summer Courses:

Winter Courses:


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Hardenbergstr. 19

10623 Berlin

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