Razpis za raziskovalne štipendije ASEF na univerzah v ZDA, Kanadi in Angliji

Razpis za raziskovalne štipendije ASEF

Ameriško-slovenska izobraževalna fundacija ASEF je objavila razpis za raziskovalne štipendije na 22 vrhunskih ameriških, kanadskih in angleških univerzah. Možne so prijave za področja fizike, biologije, medicine, strojništva, elektrotehnike, računalništva, okoljskih znanosti, prava, politologije in humanistike.

Razpis je objavljen na spletni strani ASEF: http://www.asef.net/visiting-usa. Rok za oddajo prijav je 15.2.2018. Morebitna vprašanja lahko pošljete na info@asef.net.

petek, 22. decembra ob 13:30, bodo predstavniki fundacije ASEF na predstavitvenem sestanku na Univerzi v Ljubljani (Kongresni Trg 12, dvorana Ivana Hribarja) predstavili štipendijski program in izkušnje štipendistov iz preteklih let.

Fundacija ASEF štipendira slovenske študente in Američane slovenskih korenin za 10-tedenske poletne raziskovalne obiske na vrhunskih univerzah in raziskovalnih institucijah izven Slovenije. Štipendijski program ASEF krepi sodelovanje in izmenjavo znanja med Slovenijo in odličnimi tujimi univerzami. ASEF nadarjenim slovenskim študentom omogoča, da se osredotočijo na raziskovanje in razvijejo svoje potenciale v največji možni meri.

Vabljeni k prijavi!

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Inštitut Pascal (Francija) ima odprt razpis za raziskovalca/raziskovalko (PhD Position)

Dear all,

We currently have one open PhD Positions at Institut Pascal (France). Please find the announcements below:

For the Innovative Training Network (ITN) project ACHIEVE – AdvanCed Hardware/Software components for Integrated/Embedded Vision systEms (H2020-MSCA-ITN-2017), we are looking for one motivated early stage researcher in at least one of these two following scientific domains:

  •     Design and implementation of programming languages (compilation, formal semantics, models of computation …)
  •     Synthesis of digital systems (hardware description languages, FPGA architectures…).

The researcher fellow will be hosted at the Institut Pascal (http://www.institutpascal.uca.fr/) in the DREAM research group of Université Clermont-Auvergne (UCA), for a period of 36 months with the aim of obtaining a PhD. The DREAM group is working on hardware and software development of advanced computer vision architectures. It was formed in 2008 and until now we have been lucky to work with five visiting professors/researchers and more than 15 graduate students. The group is performing research in the following areas:

  •      Design of smart cameras
  •     Image processing architectures
  •     Software methods and tools for embedded systems

The PhD training includes a second internship in the company NVIDIA (http://www.nvidia.com), the famous producer of GPU. Nvidia is located in Paris. The new researchers will therefore work as a team with existing researchers. They will also cooperate with the other researchers in the ACHIEVE network and participate in the ACHIEVE’s training program.

Our offer
You will receive a PhD scholarship according to the general conditions at Université Blaise Pascal. Tax-fee scholarship includes full social security coverage (net monthly amount starting at ± 2.300 EUR/month + 250 EUR/month mobility allowance + (if applicable) family allowance of 500 EUR). The initial contract will be for a period of 1 year and will start in the first quarter of 2018; this contract should be extended for a total of 3 years, subject to good performance. You will work at the IP research group. Information about IP can be found on the web: http://dream.ispr-ip.fr

The PhD subject focuses on the development of the CAPH High Level Synthesis System (http://caph.univ-bpclermont.fr), which has been developed and used within the group for almost one decade for implementing embedded vision applications of reconfigurable architectures such as FPGAs. Starting from a high-level formulation as a data-flow graph, CAPH generates RT-level, synthesis-ready VHDL code. In the current version, the generated RTL descriptions are typically fine grain, each actor being implemented as a FSM+datapath micro-architecture. For some applications, especially in the embedded vision field, it would be interesting to implement as sequential, imperative code running on soft or hard-core processors (either on the FPGA itself or on a on-chip micro-processor). This would allow the definition the actor behavior using classical, sequential programming languages such as C or C++, reuse of existing sequential code and use of the CAPH system in coarse grain reconfiguration (CGR) frameworks. The proposed work therefore aims at extending the CAPH language with adequate concepts and constructs on the one hand – building on platform-agnostic capabilities of the underlying dataflow model of computation -, and implementing, in the most  portable and efficient way as possible, these extensions in the compilation and synthesis flow on the other hand. Validation will be carried out on carefully selected, realistic, embedded vision applications.

 Profile of the candidate
You have a Master of Science degree (at the start of the PhD) and a strong background in Computer Science. Candidates with an MsC in another discipline but with good skills in programming languages, signal/image processing may also be considered.
You have a strong interest in image processing, embedded systems for computer vision, a good knowledge of mathematics, signal or image processing, and very good programming skills. As stated in the preamble, you must have a working experience in digital system design (VHDL) and/or programming language implementation (C, C++, Caml).
You function well in a team. You have good or excellent English and scientific writing skills. You combine a strong interest in scientific research with a desire to see your work applied in industry. Due to EC funding rules, only candidates with less than 4 years of research experience can be considered. Candidates may not have carried out their main activity (work-studies …) in France for more than 12 months in the past 3 years. Université Clermont Auvergne implements gender-neutral recruitment and selection procedures. Female candidates are especially encouraged to apply.

How to apply

Please submit your application by email to both Prof. Francois BERRY at francois.berry@uca.fr and Jocelyn SEROT at Jocelyn.serot@uca.fr
In your email, please include the following:

  • A brief motivation of your application: what do you consider the best facts in your CV, which demonstrate your academic excellence in BsC and/or Msc. education? What are your reasons to pursue a PhD? Why would you like to work at Université Clermont-Auvergne? …
  • A detailed CV, describing your earlier experience and studies;
  • A list of publications (if available);
  • A transcript of your educational record (list of courses per year, number of obtained credits, obtained marks) if available. This need not be official document at this stage ;
  • A (rough) indication or estimate of your rank among other students (e.g., top 10% among 35 students in my master);
  • If available: 1-3 English language documents describing your earlier research (e.g., scientific papers, master thesis, report on project work, etc.). These documents need not be on the topic of the positions.


Posted in Uncategorized | Komentarji so izklopljeni za Inštitut Pascal (Francija) ima odprt razpis za raziskovalca/raziskovalko (PhD Position)

2. simpozij slovenskih raziskovalcev v tujini

Društvo VTIS organizira 2. simpozij slovenskih raziskovalcev v tujini (http://www.drustvovtis.si/2-simpozij-slovenskih-raziskovalcev-v-tujini/), ki je multidisciplinarna konferenca, katere cilj je vzpostavitev in utrjevanje vezi med slovenskimi raziskovalci v tujini in raziskovalci ter profesorji v Sloveniji, z dolgoročnim namenom projektnega sodelovanja in deljenja dobrih praks. Na simpoziju bo potekalo 6 tematskih panelov, na vsakem bodo trije govorci – slovenski profesorji oziroma raziskovalci v tujini – predstavili svoje raziskovalno delo publiki. Panelom bodo predsedovali profesorji iz univerz in raziskovalnih inštitutov v Sloveniji. Odmori se bodo uporabili za navezovanje novih stikov in za pogovore o morebitnem znanstvenem sodelovanju.
Simpozij bo potekal v petek, 22. decembra 2017, in sicer v prostorih Univerze v Ljubljani (Kongresni trg 12, Ljubljana).

Prijavnico najdete tukaj: https://goo.gl/9PGaQH.

Program je na voljo na naslednji povezavi: http://www.drustvovtis.si/2-simpozij-slovenskih-raziskovalcev-v-tujini/.


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180 Degrees Consulting vabi v svoje vrste


Želiš poskusiti nekaj novega, se poleg tega nekaj novega naučiti in navezati stike s svetovalci iz največjih svetovalnih podjetij na svetu kot na primer BCG, AT Kearney, Deloitte, EY, KPMG…? Narediti nekaj dobrega za družbo? Ali pa dodati novo alinejo v življenjepisu, s katero boš korak pred konkurenti za job?

Potem se pridruži ekipi v 180 Degrees Consulting (video) Ljubljana (http://180dc.org/). Smo največja svetovna študentska organizacija za svetovanje (consulting), ukvarjamo pa se z svetovanjem neprofitnim organizacijam na vseh področjih njihovega dela. Za naše projekte potrebujemo kader s čim bolj raznolikimi sposobnostmi in znanji, saj se naloge med seboj zelo razlikujejo (npr: naš zadnji projekt je bil razvoj strategija vstopa na trg za 3D bioprinter za tiskanje kosti, organov,…). Za prijavo ne potrebujete nikakršnih predhodnih ekonomskih znanj, saj vas bomo vse naučili na izobraževanjih pred delom in med delom samim. Delo je prostovoljno in vedno poteka v sproščeni atmosferi, kjer se lahko naučite veliko novega.

Prisrčno vabljeni, da se prijavite do 17. decembra na: https://180dc.org/platform/apply/branch/ljubljana.

Za dodatna vprašanja sem vam z veseljem na voljo preko telefonske številke 041 754 089 ali preko elektronskega naslova aleksanderc@180dc.org.

Se vidimo na naslednjem projektu.

Lep pozdrav,

Aleksander Cvijić

Website: 180dc.org/ljubljana/


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Študentska vadba za študente Fakultete za elektrotehniko

S Študentsko vadbo se z novoletnimi zaobljubami spopadi že danes! Pri nas domuje šport že od 2,5 €: fitnes, vodene vadbe, bazen, joga in mnogo drugih športnih ter adrenalinskih aktivnosti.

Dostopaš lahko do več kot 200 različnih športnih ponudnikov po celotni Sloveniji, v Ljubljani boš našel centre, kot so Fitnes Vič, Fitnes in bazen Tivoli, Fitnes 4P, BIT center, Sportclub, Maxx fitnes, Laguna fitnes in bazen, Bodifit, KONEX …

Akcija za vse novo registrirane!!!

Podarimo 1 mesec članarine in brezplačen obisk v vrednosti do 5€! Ob registraciji vnesi kodo JAGODA in v roku 24 h prejmeš obljubljeno 😉!

Registracija: https://1click2sport.com/studentska-vadba/registracija

Spremljajte nas na Facebook-u: https://www.facebook.com/sport.na.klik.studentska.vadba/

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